Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence
of things not seen(HEBREWS 11:1).

 New Testament words for faith and believe are the same, one is the noun and one is the
verb form of the same word. Faith is what you believe. It is not something beyond human
knowledge that is difficult to understand. It is super simple.  If you believe something, that is your faith. Faith and belief are synonymous. Faith in God and His Word operates on the same principles as faith in anything else. There are no special rules. It is all a matter of what you believe.  And where did you get your beliefs? You were not born with them. Every belief you now have was acquired as a decision you made at some point in your life. You decided to believe what you now believe. Since every belief you have came as a result of a decision you made, every belief can also be changed by another decision. But to make such a new decision you need evidence. You cannot just
choose to believe something without any evidence that it is true. Concerning faith in God, the only evidence we should need is His written Word, for God cannot lie.When you have evidence that a previous belief was wrong, you

can choose to accept that evidence as sufficient to believe.  This is how faith works --in every area of life.
What you believe is a decision you make. No one else can make it for you.
Faith is very simple. Faith is what you believe. And what you believe can be changed by a decision you make to accept the evidence available to you. So you can go to the Bible and decide to believe it. Then you
will have faith in God, for the Bible is God's written Word. It's that simple.