Friday, September 8, 2023

Psalm 77:11-12

I will remember the deeds of the LORD; yes, I will remember your wonders of old. I will ponder all your work and meditate on your mighty deeds. (Psalm 77:11-12) The author of Psalm 77, Asaph, acknowledges that he feels overwhelmed by his present plight. His world seems to be falling apart. God feels distant and he doesn’t know what to do. Maybe you are in that place today. Can you relate to being overwhelmed with external stressors? Asaph shows us the only way is God! Brothers and sisters let us remember and reflect on God’s faithfulness, our current worries, fears, and anxieties begin to fade into the background. God might not necessarily remove the circumstances, but He will give us that eternal perspective with which to view them. Notice Asaph refers to the “deeds of the Lord” and “wonders of old.” Specifically, he recounts how God showed His power on behalf of His people through the exodus from Egypt and the parting of the Red Sea. He focused on tangible demonstrations of God’s victory over the forces of chaos and oppression. The same God who parted the sea is still present and active in our lives today. Look again and see that Asaph gives us more helpful direction. “I will ponder all Your work,” he writes, “and meditate on Your mighty deeds.” Two words emphasize that remembering is active and intentional. Ponder (think carefully, especially before making a decision or reaching a conclusion). Meditate (think deeply and digest the truth of God’s Word). Oh, Father in Heaven you search the hearts of mankind. Holy Spirit guide us to that place where we fully are dependent upon Jesus! That we can learn to rejoice even in hard times! Who and what are you trusting in? When the storms come and yes they will. Remember Jesus as Peter told his wife as Peter was heading to the cross!

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